Once there was a girl named Faith...
She was a lovely girl who loved to knit, and so she embarked on a journey to knit her future mother-in-law a nice, felted purse. She was doing great.
Until she noticed a problem...she had twisted her circular knitting!!!!!!! And she was already knitting on her second ball...she became upset and cursed her knitting.

Now she knew it was entirely her fault,

so she had no choice but to frog the demon wool.

After she had successfully frogged her former almost purse...


Her code name of KNITWIT had never been more applicable.

She enventually ended her rant and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The moral of the story? For the love of pink hippos please don't let your circular knitting twist. If, however, it does please catch it before you turn out like this young lady.
Awwwww, I think we've ALL BEEN THERE!
That was the FUNNIEST most entertaining post ever!!! LOL! We have all done it, and it sucks no less when we've done it for the 50th time!
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