Monday, October 8, 2007

Tales of a traveling knitter

I attempted to knit in the car this weekend. I, of course, was not driving. I discovered many things about myself and this particular knitting ability.

1. I cannot, ever, in any way, cast on the correct amount of stitches while moving. It's just impossible.

2. I cannot, ever, in any way, talk, ride, and knit at the same time.

3. Only knit things you've already started while riding. Do not attempt to end or begin anything.

On the plus side I did finish two hats while "camping" this weekend. I was super excited about THAT. My fiance and I were at an SCA event (that's the Society for Creative Anachronism folks...I dressed like a medeival chic and knitted...double cool) and so I had a lot of time to sit and relax and knit. They were offering a class on socks, but I didn't come with the appropriate supply of dpns so I didn't go. I now wish I would have. I bought the prettiest self-patterning yarn just for socks at the marketplace at the event. Which brings me to something else...I BOUGHT MY FIRST REAL YARN!!! And geez, Michael's is tons cheaper. I'm going out to buy size 2 dpns tonight so I can knit my first pair of socks. I forsee much frogging in my future. Ah, and to correct myself, I meant a ribbed scarf, not cable or whatever I actually said...silly me.

I've becoming a hat making machine. I have requests from students and friends alike. I think my Christmas list will become:

hairdresser-hat, etc.

And, my students are so excited about knitting club. One of them bought the requested needles and brought them to school today to show me. I have boys and girls in there too, so YAY knitting club. That happens Wednesday morning...I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Real yarn! Yes, it is far more expensive, but as soon as you'll use it, you'll realize how VERY VERY worth it it really is. Socks suck, but some people, that's all that they do, some people love them, I loath them...neccessary evil I say! Love you!!!

NH Knitting Mama said...

I have a hard time knitting and moving at the same time, too. Glad you're getting so into knitting... isn't it FUN!